
What’s the Best Budget Model for Our Institution?

AGB Trusteeship magazine, Jan/Feb 2025

I am often asked, “What type of budget model works best for universities?” This is the wrong question or at least incorrectly cast. To get to the right questions, and the needed answers for any decision, we first need some history, some present-day context, and some insight into why, when, and how new budget models are designed and implemented at universities. We also need to understand the organizational, operational, and decision-making dynamics that characterize much of higher education in the United States today.

Link to AGB article (subscription required)

(If you are not an AGB member/subscriber and would like a copy of the article, contact me.)

Higher Education as a Strategic Asset: An Emerging National Call to Action

AGB Trusteeship magazine, Nov/Dec 2023

The Council on Higher Education as a Strategic Asset (HESA) will complete their report in the coming year. How are their discussions and final recommendations likely to be informed by past commissions and councils? This article puts this latest group’s work in historic context by looking at the efforts and outcomes of the Truman Commission and the Spellings Commission.

What the People Want

Inside Higher Ed, Nov. 7, 2022

When it comes to communicating their value to the public, universities have not been shy. They have hired staff, redirected precious time and resources, and even taken out magazine ads and billboards to toot their horns and tout their feats in important markets. But is their message being heard?

Across partisan lines, citizens agree on one thing—how public universities should spend their money, David V. Rosowsky, E. Gordon Gee and Stephen M. Gavazzi write.

Leadership in Times of Crisis

AGB Trusteeship magazine, Jan/Feb 2022

New strategies will be needed for higher education leaders to successfully respond to the types, magnitudes, and concurrent impacts and mutual amplification of crises they will face in the years ahead, the so-called post-pandemic era. This point was driven home in the 2020 and 2021 academic years as higher education institutions and their leaders faced multiple challenges rising to the level of crises. What made this period so challenging was not the global pandemic on its own (although this was perhaps the single greatest challenge U.S. colleges and universities have faced in history), but the concurrence of multiple crises, more than one of which might even be considered a pandemic.

Cross-Campus Collaborations Improve Student Outcomes

AACRAO, College and University, Summer 2021

Challenges confronting higher education have led to outcomes-driven approaches such as performance-based funding, forced greater emphasis on student persistence and completion, and spurred campus-wide student success efforts. In examining ways to achieve integrated student success efforts across campus, this article explores issues related to structure and alignment, faculty versus student affairs culture, and risk points to address when implementing institution-wide strategies.

ATG Capstone

As I prepare to move, and button up chapters of our Vermont life and our time at UVM – with full confidence we will return often to visit our friends and “Vermont family” – I wanted to take the opportunity to write one final piece in the Across the Green series, a capstone to the series I started in 2013 as a new provost to regularly share thoughts, plans, and progress with the UVM academic community. The series continued after my six-year term with shorter ATG Brief essays on a broad range of higher education topics that I hoped might continue to be of interest to some of the regular readers of Across the Green over the years. I was always grateful for the feedback I received on these essays. In this final “capstone” essay, I have only two objectives: (1) to say thank you, and (2) to share my wishes for the UVM academic community I was so privileged to serve.