As Provost and Senior Vice President, Dr. Rosowsky oversaw the Office of the Vice President for Research at UVM and worked closely with the VPR to set University-wide research priorities and agenda; direct investments in research, facilities, equipment, and personnel; facilitate partnerships within and external to the University; promote and celebrate research achievements; engage and support faculty research, scholarship, and creative works; monitor and ensure compliance; and create a culture of innovation & entrepreneurship throughout the University.
“The transformation at the University of Vermont around innovation and entrepreneurship has been remarkable. Over the last six years, UVM has built capacity and engagement, created opportunities inside and outside the University, and established UVM as a major contributor to innovation in Vermont. David Rosowsky, UVM’s provost, relentlessly pursued his ‘ecosystem’ vision to transform UVM from a relatively static public university to a vibrant and dynamic, forward looking and engaged research university that embraces its mission to create new technologies, jobs, and businesses. Today, UVM is a valued partner for business and for economic development in the State of Vermont.”
-Mary Powell, President & CEO, Green Mountain Power
Research Reports:
Discovery. Innovation. Impact (2014) Download
Innovation (2016) Download
Innovation (2017) Download
Innovation (2018) Download
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Highlights, Achievements, and Recognitions Download